
ちょうせん 挑戦

a challenge; defiance; an attempt.??する challenge; try.??的な defiant; aggressive.??的な慴度をとる take a defiant attitude ((toward)).??に応じる accept a challenge.挑戦者 a challenger.挑戦状 a (written) challenge.



1car;pet;bag pronunciation: function: noun date: 1829 : a traveler's bag made of carpet and widely used in the united states in the 19th century


Cutting horse

cutting horsefunction: noun date: 1881 : an agile saddle horse trained to separate individual animals from a cattle herd



con;duc;tor pronunciation: function: noun date: 15th century : one that conducts: as a : guide b : a collector of fares in a public conveyance c : the leader of a musical ensemble d (1) : a material or object that permits an electric current to flow easily — compare insulator, semiconductor (2) : a material capable of transmitting another form of energy (as heat or sound) — con;duc;to;ri;al adjective


[正解発表]7月3日 能力開発!【PSO2 RMT】

[正解公布]7月3日 才能開拓!2012-07-04ps02 rmt  rmt お客様支え助ける戦列です。お客様支え助ける対策を練る第四弾!「才能開拓対策を練る!」の出題4日目!7月3日(火)の数字を公布いたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたします!本対策を練るの委細は未満?以内?内の画帖をご念のため???念押し?? 確誮 ??為念?査収 ? ご査収 ? 確誮 ? ご確誮 ? 検収 ? 確誮の上受け取る ? 閲するください。▼「何か出頭にサイン小屋える操琴量定なる!?才能開拓対策を練る開催!」http://hangame.galegria.jp/notices/view/2320▼7月3日(火)の正解数字pso2 rmt rmt



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